1.Cramer, as brilliant as he was, with his photographic memory and uncanny ability to retain information, suffered from a similar disorder.
2.Walter has the uncanny ability to know when the boss is going to call a meeting.
3.In my imagination, they seemed to have an uncanny ability to know what I was thinking, and were eager to punish me for any malfeasance.
4.Kids have an uncanny ability to appear to be listening to you while actually paying no attention at all.
5.She had an uncanny ability to read the character of a person.
6.Along with his strength, he had an uncanny ability to spot and exploit any weakness in an opponent.
7.wang has constantly proven that statement right , showing an uncanny ability to induce grounder after grounder when he ' s on.
8.A civil war was brewing, one the dead man lying before him had kept in check with an uncanny ability to predict his enemy's thoughts.
9.The uncanny ability to find an open parking space in a desirable location of a busy parking lot.
10.Lupo has the uncanny ability to fire a seemingly infinite amount of ammo for a set period of time, laying waste to all before her.